One of the Seven Wonders of the ًWorld

One of the Seven Wonders of the ًWorld

Discover Petra, an ancient marvel carved into the pink rock by the Nabateans in the 4th century BC. This UNESCO World Heritage site, known as “The Rose City,” offers a captivating journey into history. Begin your exploration at the Treasury, a legendary monument filled with tales of hidden treasures. Wander through the bustling market, adorned with ancient shops and artifacts. Traverse the Siq, a majestic rocky gorge leading to the awe-inspiring Monastery, a monumental structure with a unique design. Petra beckons, inviting you to step back in time and immerse yourself in the wonders of ancient civilization.

Beyond Distance and Screen: How Lana Changed Everything.

Beyond Distance and Screen: How Lana Changed Everything.

Lana shattered my skepticism about online friendships. From sporadic chats to a deep bond, our connection grew. Meeting in 2022 was surreal, affirming the power of genuine connections beyond screens. Lana’s presence exemplifies the transformative impact of friendship, transcending boundaries with warmth and solidarity.

Walking into Harvard

Walking into Harvard

خواطر الانتقال بين الحرمين الجامعيين، بين الجامعة الأمريكية في بيروت وبين هارفارد.

The Generative AI Boom

The Generative AI Boom

To have the opportunity to meet and discuss with someone who has extensive experience in your field of interest and study for many years was more than wonderful.
I hope this won’t be the last meeting, but the beginning of future encounters.
Thanks Ban … Thanks edSeed …