Psych Friends is an AI-Mental Health start-up, it’s first project is Smart Psych for people struggling with depression
My Brave Decision
Brave decisions get you closer to your goals.
Queen Elizabeth Wore Damask Brocade
The city of Damascus is famous for its unique type of fabric, called brocade, which Damascus was famous for three thousand years ago. It takes ten hours to make one meter of damask because of the delicate, complex patterns and attention to detail. Brocade is an...
6 Youth volunteers share their feelings when interacting with or seeing youth refugees on the news.
We at the spend 100% of our individual donor dollars on the youth we support; so volunteers and their time donations are crucial to our sustainability. To understand what drives our youth volunteers, we asked a number of questions; here’s what they had to...
edSeed students thoughts on love
edSeed student thoughts on love