One of the most enjoyable webinars I attended through the edSeed platform was “The Generative AI Boom” with Ban Kawas, and I wished it would never end.

The webinar focused on many important topics in the field of AI and involved sharing numerous tips, challenges, experiences, and expertise by Ban.

It also opened the door for a Q & A and discussion among the students and Ban, where she answered many questions from students.

This discussion instilled a sense of reassurance within me regarding some of the steps I am working on or aiming to achieve in the future.

She advised me not to rush the learning process and to give everything time, to achieve satisfactory and high-quality results.

Additionally, she explained how to use ChatGPT in the right way as a student seeking to acquire skills during my study period, and how to apply these skills correctly.

Then the discussion shifted towards the gap that exists in the world of technology in general, and artificial intelligence specifically, regarding the Arabic language.

I expressed my problem with implementing and utilizing Arabic language in various projects during my studies, whether they involved written or audible texts.

This issue prompted me to take a step forward and join an AI research reading group project that focuses on (ANLP) Arabic – Natural Language Processing.

Ban reassured me that I will reach an acceptable level or achieve good results in the field of Arabic language with AI.

She emphasized that the quantity or size of the data used in creating or training a model needs to be large enough to fill this gap.

The larger the dataset, the better the quality of results“ for obtaining a higher accuracy or lower cost.

I also benefited from the student questions and the advice that Ban provided them, which was helpful to me as well.

To have the opportunity to meet and discuss with someone who has extensive experience in your field of interest and study for many years was more than wonderful.

I hope this won’t be the last meeting, but rather the beginning of future encounters.

Thanks Ban … Thanks edSeed …

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