I recently read a book by the Italian writer Jozpa Katutsela, “Don’t Say You’re Afraid”. The book is about a girl named Samia, a Somali runner whose dream was to represent Somalia in the Olympics, Unfortunately, the war made her look for her dream somewhere other than Somalia. After losing her father and not having enough support to continue her athletic career, she decided with a broken heart to leave Somalia, leaving behind her mother and brother, and going to Britain. When Samia was on her way to Britain by sea, unfortunately she died by drowning. All that’s left is this book about Samia’s life and the immortal memory of this ambitious girl who tried in the last moment of her life to hold on to her dream. There are many people like Samia in this world, but because of the wars that their countries are going through, they are looking for new doors of hope that can help them reach their dreams. There are those who die trying to reach their goal, like Samia, and there are those who arrive, achieve, participate, and successfully represent their country.
At edseed, we all have different stories, goals, and dreams of success we want to achieve, and the support that our students receive through donors helps them achieve those goals. edSeed students represent their countries in their place of asylum, and they become symbols of determination and success, like Samia who lost her life following her dream.
I wish her soul comfort, and I hope that the wars in this world will end and that Samia will rest in peace.